Lubię góry. Ciężar plecaka i równy rytm kroków. Krople deszczu na skórze i drzewa. Podróże, sushi i moją kuchnię. Kocham koty. Dobrą książkę, półsłodkie wino. Leniwe popołudnia. Moją pracę.

Chciałabym być jak Esme Weatherwax, bliżej mi jednak do Agness Nitt - ona miała swoją Perditę, a ja mam moją Usagi...

Za bezimienne, za bezdomne...

(z sieci),

Za bezimienne, za bezdomne,
broniące swych bezbronnych dzieci
blade światełko w szczerym polu
jak porzucona gwiazda świeci...

Bo są też ludzie, co jak własne
koty uliczne tak kochają
...bezdomne koty - bądźcie ze mną
gdy wchodzić będę w bramy raju...

Kategorie: koty, Raj, pożegnanie,


Open mind

Diggers, Terry Pratchett

The trouble with having an open mind, of course, is that people will insist on coming along and trying to put things in it.

Kategorie: edukacja,


You don't know?

Small Gods, Terry Pratchett

'You know,' he said, turning to Simony. 'Now I know Vorbis is evil. He burned my city. Well, the Tsorteans do it sometimes, and we burn theirs. It's just war. It's all part of history. And he lies and cheats and claws power for himself, and lots of people do that, too. But do you know what's special? Do you know what it is?'
'Of course,' said Simony. 'It's what he's doing to-'
'It's what he's done to you.'
'He turns other people into copies of himself.'
Simony's grip was like a vice. 'You're saying I'm like him?'
'Once you said you'd cut him down,' said Urn. 'Now you're thinking like him...'
'So we rush, then?' said Simony. 'I'm sure of - maybe four hundred on our side. So I give the signal and a few hundred of us attack thousands of them? And he dies anyway and we die too? What difference does that make?'
Urn's face was gray with horror now.
'You mean you don't know?' he said.
Some of the crowd looked round curiously at him.
'You don't know?' he said.


Interesting Times, Terry Pratchett

From; that was the most important factor in any mindless escape. Tou were always running from. To could look after itself.

Kategorie: Rincewind,


Interesting Times

Interesting Times, Terry Pratchett

There is a curse.

They say:
May You Live in Interesting Times

Kategorie: czas,

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22,

Strona 11 z 22

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